Lyttelton Theatre House Lighting
The National Theatre are very conscious of the collective load of their multiple auditorium house light systems. Energy saving was the driving force behind replacing all of the Lyttelton fittings with LED alternatives. Push The Button worked with GDS to provide a custom approach for the Stalls Downlights and Auditorium Wall Washers with ArcPro 1 Cell Small and ArcPro MR16 integrated into existing high-level fittings. The new installation connected to the existing emergency light invertor to provide a comprehensive, flexible emergency lighting solution. All the fittings were re-wired to be fed from ArcPro D4 Drivers, mounted in local accessible positions.
Working with the theatre control team Push The Button developed a flexible network to offer the greatest flexibility and provide the ability for a very low lighting state for short periods of times. In addition to this Push The Button replaced all of the exit signs with Philip Payne custom units featuring a dimmable DMX card. Again, this gave the greatest control and allowed a full direct black out for the first time. Push The Button continue to work with the National Theatre team completing two further phases of this project during 2018 and 2019.